Why E-Books?

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding eBooks:

1. What are epub files?

ePub files are the industry standard format for eBooks. The file is rooted in HTML coding, making it easy for eBook readers to adjust the file to suit the reader’s tastes when it comes to font size and format. Some eReaders, such as Kindle, use other formats. Green eBooks’ knowledgeable team will make sure your eBook gets formatted properly for all the various eReaders on the market today.

2. For what eReaders can Green eBooks format?
Green eBooks formats for every major eReader available on the market today, including but not limited to the following:
- Amazon’s Kindle
- Apple’s iBookstore
- Barnes & Noble’s Nook
- Kobo
and many more!

3. What files do I really need?

In order to work with Green eBooks, we will need your book in one of the following formats: HTML, TXT, PDF or Word DOC. We will also need all supporting images that go with the book in either .jpg or .png formats.

4. Can I do full color picture books?
Absolutely, but only in the iPad format. We expect other eReader content providers to move toward full color inkless technology that includes vivid colors in the near future–and we will be prepared to convert your books then into those new formats.

5. What’s the difference between a regular eBook and enhanced ebook?
As eBooks first began to gain a foothold in the marketplace, the quality level for how the books looked and how the content was formatted was extremely low. Regular eBooks contained no navigation features and simply contained the text. Enhanced eBooks have more navigational features, such as a table of contents, as well as table of content links and linked footnotes. In eReaders like the iPad, authors may choose to include video or audio versions of their book as well rolled into one eBook. All our standard eBooks come with navigational with the table of contents.

6. Will I get royalties?
Absolutely–if your book sells.

7. What is hosting and do I need someone to host it?
You don’t need hosting per se, but you do have to upload your files to different content providers such as Amazon.com or Borders.com. If you choose one of our lower level packages, we will give you all the eBook files and you can load it yourself. WIth our higher packages, we will upload the files for you and manage your royalties, sending you regular reports and checks to keep you apprised of what is happening with your book. And you only “pay” for hosting if your book sells.

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