Green e-Books was started by authors for authors as an alternative way for authors to reach new and larger audiences, make more money and increase distribution.

Our innovative team of publishers and authors have been on the cutting edge of the eBook revolution since it started two years ago, working with authors of short stories, novels, series, fiction and non-fiction. We have worked with publishers both big and small to convert their content into many eBook formats and reach a larger market than most writers ever dreamed possible.

We have helped both self-published authors and authors published by large publishing houses find new markets for their writing in unexpected ways.

Here are a few of the success stories of the authors Green e-Books has worked with over the last year:

* One fiction author launched her first eBook from a previously out-of-print edition and sold more than 1,000 eBooks in the first four days of the book’s release.

* Many or our authors made the  #1 best-seller ranking on Amazon in three short months.

* A first-time self-published author began making more than $5,000 a month off of two books in less than a year’s time.

* Authors are finding that they can reach more fans at a faster pace with eBooks compared to print books.

* eBooks are fast becoming the new way to read and increasing the literacy rate in America and around the world.

* Clients include:
– Aloha Publishing
– Ampelon Publishing
– Clarabelle Books
– Cypress House
– StoneGate Ink
– StoneHouse Ink
– Previously published authors such as former New York Times bestseller Lewis Grizzard, award-winning Christian fiction author Creston Mapes, and historical fiction author Sigrid Weidenweber.

Let Green e-Books help your book find a new audience and create a new stream of income for you!

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