If you’re finally convinced like we are that eBooks will be help shape the future of publishing and the delivery of books, learn how to get in the game through our services at Green eBooks.
All our packages are broken down into two categories: with account management and without account management. Do you need account management? No. We are happy to convert your book into all the files you need to upload your eBook to all the major Internet and mobile device distribution points. However, some authors do not want to manage things like putting their eBook on sale or updating content.
Our account management service track, which contains a 15% maintenance fee, will manage your eBook for you by adjusting prices, updating content or putting your book on sale with a simple email to our customer service team. All you have to do is cash your quarterly royalty check.
All our packages are broken down accordingly between account management and without account management. There is no upfront fee associated with our account management services.
Short Story/Novella
1 This package includes eBook conversion for books up to 20,000 words into the four major formats you need for all popular eReaders and mobile devices. It also includes a hyperlinked table of contents.
Cost: $197
2 This package includes eBook conversion for any book over 20,000 words into the four major formats you need for all popular eReaders and mobile devices. It also includes a hyperlinked table of contents.
Cost: $497
3. This package includes eBook conversion for a book of any size into the four major formats you need for all popular eReaders and mobile devices, as well as an enhanced version for formats that can support enhancements (currently only the iPad). Enhancements may include full color photos, video, audio and other hyperlinks.
Cost: $997 to $3,497
Short Story/Novella
1. This package includes eBook conversion for books up to 20,000 words into the four major formats you need for all popular eReaders and mobile devices. It also includes a hyperlinked table of contents.
Cost: $147
2. This package includes eBook conversion for any book over 20,000 words into the four major formats you need for all popular eReaders and mobile devices. It also includes a hyperlinked table of contents.
Cost: $397
3. This package includes eBook conversion for a book of any size into the four major formats you need for all popular eReaders and mobile devices, as well as an enhanced version for formats that can support enhancements (currently only the iPad). Enhancements may include full color photos, video, audio and other hyperlinks.
Cost: $997 to $3,497